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Undoubtedly, the most exciting stage for many people and completely nerve-wrecking for others. Every startup is different, and it would be arrogant to assume otherwise.  The advice we have is hard-earned, and completely free, and something we wish someone had told us long ago! Many software companies are started by someone who works for an existing…

Stages for a Software Company

STAGES To anyone who have read Crossing the Chasm, then you will recognize some of the thinking in our growth playbook. To anyone who have not read Crossing the Chasm, we can absolutely recommend the book. What this playbook attempts to do, is to help translate the book’s many excellent concepts, that are generic in…


This document is clearly about growth. Clearly, growth is not the only thing that matters. That said, any company that doesn’t have a client-first AND a growth mindset ultimately will eventually become irrelevant. For more on growth mindset, see Carel Dweck’s excellent book We strongly believe that clients, whenever given the choice, prefer to buy…

Why a playbook?

As entrepreneurs from an early age, we have many times wished that there was a "single source of truth" in how to start a company, build a company and succeed (whatever success means to you!). Of course, no such thing exists. This document tries to cover a lot of territory - some of which they…